I can give no better advice to any entrepreneur than to get involved, and I mean seriously involved, in some type of organization or association. For me, it has been the Society of Government Meeting Professionals, and it’s exceptionally geared towards my precise business, but even if it weren’t…
Everyone knows someone who knows someone. The more people you know, the more people you know. Other than being incredibly ambiguous and nebulous nothings, the preceding sayings intend to mean that knowing more people can only help you in your business, whatever it is. If your mission is to make sales, if your mission is to make new friends, if your mission is to meet your next love, if your mission is to educate yourself, if your mission is to see the world – no matter how far we’ve come, you can’t do this all on your computer screen.
Get out there and shake some hands. Challenge yourself. Get out of your box, whether that’s your computer screen, your cubicle, or your home office, and go meet some new people. The riches are a plenty.