In 2001, my director at the Millennium Bostonian Hotel asked me to “explore” the government market since the economy had taken a serious turn for the worse and since the after affects of 9/11 were devastating.  As a young sales manager I was eager to take on a “mini-market” of my own and run with it.  It wasn’t long before I was turned on to my local Federal Executive Board, and shortly thereafter I was introduced to an organization called the Society of Government Meeting Professionals (SGMP).

Oh, it’s not as geeky as it sounds folks!  And if it is, it’s my kind of geeky.

In the last ten years, I’ve more than sunk my teeth into this association.  I found a world of information, of contacts, and perhaps by biggest surprise, lasting friendships behind this door.  The Society quickly embraced my young energy and once I had moved to our nation’s capital I was able to give even more time into it.  No question about it, the axiom is true, you get out what you put in.  And after ten years of sweat and tears, I can say confidently, I’m still getting just as much from the organization as I’ve put into it. 

In ten years I’ve served on countless local committees, I’ve written dozens of articles, I’ve edited our newsletter and website, run the local silent auction three years, I served three years as chapter treasurer, two years as second vice president, I’ve served on the national xorganization specialized board of trustees, run the national silent auction two years, and been awarded the association’s highest honor granted to suppliers – the Sam Gilmer Supplier of the Year. 

SGMP has been a gift that’s kept on giving.  And now, in business on my own, being a visible and contributing member to the society has only helped increase my exposure.  It would be hard to innumerate what that’s meant to me financially but not terribly difficult to express what it’s meant to me personally.  It’s meant the world.

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