One Month to Go

img_b2302712aa1It’s surreal to think that perhaps just a month from now, we will welcome to this world our first child. Ever since I can remember the only thing I’ve been certain of is that someday I would be this child’s dad.  I didn’t quite know when it would happen.  I didn’t quite know how it would happen.  Only that someday, this magnificent baby would arrive.  And that day is just about here.  It’s hard to explain how you can love someone so much when it can’t yet be held, it can’t yet be heard, and it can’t yet be seen.  But I do.  I’m the luckiest man in the world.

Life is sure going to change a month from now.  Already I’ve scheduled my last visit to DC for the foreseeable future.  I’m also strongly considering cancelling my attendance at AIBTM in June when the baby would be just a month old.  These are days that can never be brought back.  There will be another trip to DC and there will be another AIBTM.  On those days I’ll be sending a postcard home to my baby.  This year, I’ll send a postcard to them.

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