Warmth Makes a Difference

We’re moving.  I assure you that’s an accurate statement.  The when and the where have yet to be figured out at this time, but moving we are.  Right now we living on Long Island which has a number of merits but for me, it only has one.  It’s close to family.  It otherwise has no competitive advantages in my estimation.  You can live close to New York City without living in a place as crowded and as inconvenient for getting elsewhere.  You can pay taxes this high almost nowhere else in the nation.  And you can suffer through ugly, cold, rainy, snowy winters in plenty of other places too.

Which is why when my wife and I spent five days with her brother in Fort Lauderdale, FL, where they reside, we came to the impulsive, irrational and hasty decision that we need to move South for the Winter like a flock of birds.  She’s not currently working, and I work wherever my BlackBerry and laptop are located – so why would we confine ourselves to live in a place where they are just as many days we’d rather not leave the house than leave it.  In Florida, in December, we were able to take our seven month old son into the pool, to the park, just out in his stroller without burying him beneath sixteen layers of fluff to keep warm!  Why would we sacrifice this oh so precious time in his development, to crawling around on our carpet and being quickly transported into the car to go anywhere.

Okay then – so who’s got a cheap rental for us for the next three months?  Anyone?  Anyone?

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